Living Nutzis proud to say that we are now producing the absolute finest certified organic, raw, low temperature (98°), stone-ground, sprouted (in pure Maine well water – not tap water), nut butters in the world! Since 2002 we’ve been manufacturing the tastiest, most healthy sprouted nut treats in existence and now we’re taking it to the next level.
Here is how our superior sprouted nut butters compare to commercial brands:
1. Ours are sprouted, not roasted. Almost all commercial nut butters have not been sprouted and are either raw, or roasted. This means that they are still in their dormant state, containing all the biological agents that keep them this way. That means there will be enzyme inhibitors present that are very difficult to digest. Roasting nuts changes the healthy oils into unhealthy oils and will cause a breakdown of their fats and the production of free radicals.
2. Truly Raw: Our nut butters are still raw due to the low heat and low-friction of our stainless steel, top quality stone-grinder. Even commercial nut butters that claim to be raw have still been sent through large grinding machines that that produce lots of friction and subsequent heat that renders them no longer raw. Additionally, since 2007 all almonds grown in the US have been irradiated through heat pasteurization or chemical fumigation – something that Living Nutz tried to prevent with online petitions. It is because of this that we have been importing all of our truly raw almonds from Italy and Spain to ensure that they remain raw.
3. Ours are sprouted in well water, not tap water. When we first came out in 2002, we were the only company who offered sprouted nuts and seeds. It wasn’t long before we had many competitors, but every one we inquired with all use tap water to sprout their nuts. Health conscious individuals are starting to realize that “water is not just water”, and that water is known as the universal solvent, absorbing whatever piping system it runs through after it leaves water treatment centers where it is poorly tested if at all. Hopefully this changes one day, but for now our food is only as organic as the tap water it is grown with. This is a big reason why Living Nutz nut butters are more pure then most nut butters on the market, even the organic ones.
4. Superior Nutrition: Because our nuts are truly raw, sprouted and not roasted, they remain nutritionally superior when compared to commercial nut butters. Nuts are loaded with powerful nutrients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fats that are delivered to our bodies through their oils. Many of these nutrients are fat-soluble and their oils are heat-sensitive and can quickly go rancid, making them less bioavailable. You don’t have to worry about this with Living Nutz nut butters.
5. Taste & Consistency: Because we believe in minimal commercial processing, are big on natural processing, and because we are passionate about creating the best tasting artisanal snacks on the market, Living Nutz nut butters consistency and taste are unmatched. Our stone grinder ensures that lumpiness and oil separation are virtually non-existent. They can be used in a multitude of ways, with many dishes and in many different recipes.